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Wincle Walks No1. Rookery Wood

Wincle Walks No1. Rookery Wood

Walk the Peaks from one of the most picturesque breweries in the UK

Since being voted one of the most picturesque breweries in the UK by the Observer last year, we have been musing over how to celebrate more of the wonderful environment we are lucky enough to work in everyday.

An hour or two spent watching yeast magically ferment sparked the genius - let's get outside! A walk and a talk later and an idea was breathed into life - 6 local walks, coupled with 6 new seasonal ales dedicated to and celebrating local landmarks ; all featuring the awesome scenery right outside our brewery doors. 

The walks will all start and end at the brewery and will be launched across 2020: February, March, May, July, September and November. 

 We hope you are inspired to come and give the walks a try ...and if the beer is appreciated too - well that would be just perfect.

Let's get walking! Wincle Walk 1 - Rookery Wood

So, we have donned the wellies, packed up some of our delicious brownie and quite literally headed for the hills behind us. With trusty map in hand and a new app on the phone to record all the steps (or missteps!) we headed off along the public footpaths to go in search of Rookery Wood. 

What a find!

OK, so we were lucky. The weather gods had heard the pleas for "no more rain" and the sun was O U T!

Slightly blustery and err, rather slippery underfoot, one face plant later; and we had made it to the what felt to be the rather ethereal and mythical Rookery wood.

There down at the bottom was a little wooden bridge where a number of little streams converged. Such was the sense of charming other worldliness that we really wouldn't have been too surprised if a little troll had popped out demanding cash or brownie. Heads up ... he wouldn't have got the brownie.

Fortunately for us, either there are no trolls, or they had taken a day off; and as such we were safe to munch our brownie in the sunshine on a flat spot by the stream and ruminate on how this would be just perfect for a picnic and paddle later in the year.* 

 A field full of views 

As you will note from the err pause in the stats if you download the walk or study hard the image below... it was with some regret that we headed out of this valley to climb back up the hills. It was worth it though! Literally up among the Rooks nests in the eponymous wood the view across to Cheshire and Staffordshire were breathtaking. With the sun behind us it meant that on capturing this view was rather tricky - so you'll have to believe us!

 Walking the walk 

Hopefully we have whetted you’re appetite to get outside and give this walk a blast. 



To access the route directly please click on the link below and let us know your thoughts!


 * Note - brewers are hardy... but not quite that hardy, so this will need to be tested at a later date 😂

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