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Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Phew, what a year!

A massive thank you to our many customers and friends who have supported us over this last year. We can't lie - as for everyone else this has been the most testing of years in so many ways; and we are extremely grateful for all the support we have received.

All staff have kept safe and well throughout the year and there have been hugely exciting arrivals in the shape of a new baby and puppies for various team members. Plus, we have seen enormous growth in demand for our bottles that we have at times really struggled to keep up with! With our new online service also launching fully in 2020 the team have been extremely busy for the majority of the year packing, route planning and delivering; and the brewing team have had the long awaited opportunity of trying lots of new beer styles and recipes - some of which we hope will become part of the core range in 2021. More to follow on this in the new year.

So a big thank you from Team Wincle for all your support and wishing you all an extremely Happy New Year, keep safe and all the very best for 2021.

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